Obesity is a health hazard. Changing your diet is an important step in preventing chronic diseases.

There are diets like sand by the sea. But not every diet leads to long-term success in losing weight. There is no universal diet, especially for overweight or obese people. Rather, you should tailor nutritional therapy to individual needs.

It can also primarily be about improving your health and not about weight reduction. If you want to lose weight successfully, you should eat less but eat a balanced diet and move more in everyday life. You can also consider healthy dietary supplements to help you lose weight. If you read Protetox reviews from customers, you can find some tips on how to burn fats and achieve long-term result.

Proper energy intake in obesity

Taking in less energy than your body needs is more important for losing weight than eating low-fat or low-carb. The energy deficit should be around 500 kilocalories per day below the daily energy requirement. It is best for obese individuals to talk to a nutrition expert about this. Otherwise, incorrect values ​​can quickly arise.

Calculate energy needs in obesity

A formula for calculating the energy requirement for obesity usually delivers inaccurate values.  They are distorted by the high fat content in the body. Basically, the energy requirement is more dependent on the muscle mass. In the case of an overweight or obese person, the muscle mass must first be calculated individually. Those affected should consult their doctor or nutritionist to avoid incorrectly calculating too high an energy requirement.

Protetox reviews from customers

Eat consciously and lose weight sensibly

Diet plays an important role in overweight and obese people. If you are overweight and have too much abdominal fat, you should change your diet and exercise more. Weight reduction, diet and exercise are connected.

In order to avoid crash diets and wrong diets, it is advisable to speak to a doctor or consult a dietician. They can create a sensible nutrition plan with those affected. In this way, long-term goals can be achieved that have a positive effect on health. After all, if you reduce weight and abdominal fat, you also reduce the risk of life-threatening concomitant diseases caused by obesity or being overweight.