While weight watchers tend to control their calorie intakes, various studies proved that low calorie intakes can cause metabolism to slow down in obese people. Findings show that low sugar intakes in overweight and obese individuals diminish metabolism, or the rate by which the body burns calories, because there is little demand for energy-use. It’s actually a vicious cycle triggered by having too many unused calories stored as fats in adipose tissues. After all, if the body has fewer opportunities and reasons for burning more calories previously stored in fat cells, the body is not at all motivated to speed up metabolism.

Basically, what the metabolic processes do is to burn only the energy needed to meet the amount of calories needed for total daily energy expenditure. The latter refers to the measure of calories burned in performing the usual activities during a 24-hour period including the functions carried out while resting.

12-Week Study Proved that a Calorie-Deficit Diet can Slow Down Metabolism

In a 12-week long research study involving overweight and obese subjects, it had been proven that frequent consumption of sugary beverages can slow down metabolism. Obese participants of a weight-maintaining dietary program who had 25% calorie-intakes that came from fructose-sweetened beverages, experienced a major slow down of metabolic rate. Apparently, habitually drinking fructose-sweetened beverages as part of a diet would make it harder for overweight and obese people to reduce weight. Contrary findings showed that slow metabolism had even promoted weight gain.

The findings denoted that dietary programs that include eating fewer calories to achieve calorie-deficit will not push the body to burn stored fats. Instead, low calorie diets give the body less motivation to go into the fat burning process. What the body does if there is a deficit or scarcity of calorie intakes, is to automatically go into a calorie-saving mode by reducing the speed by which it burns current calorie received as dietary supply. The controlled calorie-intakes study involving lean people revealed that those who had less than 1,000 calories a day also experienced a major slow down in metabolic rate.

Even more adverse about  low-calorie diets that urge the body to burn stored fats is that they found it hard to reverse the slow metabolism trend. The results of the 12-week long controlled study showed that the resting metabolic rate of those who consumed fewer calories, remained slow even after raising their calorie intakes in the following 5 weeks of the study.

Fortunately, there are weight loss manufacturers who focus on finding ways to reverse slow metabolism trend. Alpilean, currently the most in demand weight loss pill in the market today, addresses the slow metabolism dilemma by using Alpine herbal growths as ingredients. The resulting weight loss formulation raises the body temperature, which in turn speeds up metabolism.

Find Out How Alpilean Works as Weight Loss Supplement

Understanding how a weight loss supplement can correct the slow-metabolism syndrome requires delving into another aspect of the metabolic processes affecting the human body. Read what dietitians and fitness experts website provide as explanations on how Alpilean works in addressing slow metabolism to support weight loss programs.